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Irish Argentina

Irish-Argentines can be proud of their contribution to Argentina, from national hero Admiral William Brown, to the thousands of Irish who settled the pampas in the 19th Century.

There are strong historical connections linking Ireland to Argentina based on migration of up to 40,000 Irish people to the River Plate regions, mostly in the second half of the 19th century. Their descendants are to be found throughout Argentina and trace their roots back primarily to the midlands (Counties Westmeath, Longford and Offaly) and to County Wexford.

The best-known Irish-Argentine is Foxford, Mayo-born Admiral William Brown, Argentine naval commander during the War of Independence and national hero.

Most of the Irish-Argentine community are resident in the city and province of Buenos Aires and in surrounding provinces, where Irish schools, societies and clubs continue to flourish. The community has its own newspaper, the Southern Cross, and Gaelic games are played at Hurling Club.

The Embassy maintains strong connections to these organisations, and to bodies which honour the memory of Irish-Argentines such as Admiral Brown and Father Anthony Fahy, the Dominican priest from Loughrea, County Galway who led the Irish community in Buenos Aires.

SILAS, the Society of Irish Latin American Studies, has carried out extensive research into the history of this immigration.

Modern-day Irish immigrants to Argentina continue to be based in Buenos Aires, while the resorts of Patagonia are popular with young Irish travellers and working holidaymakers.