If you are the victim of a crime, please contact the nearest police station as soon as possible and make a report. You should ask for a copy of the report. If you wish, you may also contact the Embassy, who can facilitate your communication with the police forces.
Accident/assault victims
We will do everything possible to assist you if you have been the victim of an accident or assault.
All cases are treated in complete confidence. We can also help you to contact friends and family and assist with arrangements to get you home, if that is your wish. All persons who have been assaulted or in an accident must report the incident to the Police.
If you are arrested, you may ask the local authorities to contact the Embassy and inform us of your arrest.
In such situations the Embassy can:
- Arrange for you to be visited by an Embassy official
- Advise you about the prison system
- Bring details of any medical condition you may have to the attention of prison officials
- Pursue with the prison authorities on your behalf complaints about ill-treatment or discrimination
- Pass messages to and from your family
However, the Embassy does not:
- Secure better treatment for Irish citizens than local or other nationals receive
- Give nor pay for legal advice
- Interfere with or influence the local judicial system
Provide any financial assistance while you are in prison