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Halloween on Screen: Join us and celebrate the Irish origins of Halloween!

Venue: Online

Halloween on Screen: Join us and celebrate the Irish origins of Halloween!

 Learn the Irish origins of Halloween with an interactive learning tool that's fun for all the family

This year the Embassy have teamed up with Interacting Theatre Company to bring you some Halloween family activities to learn all about the holiday of Samhain. We have come up with a fun and interactive way to explore the Irish and Celtic origins of the most familiar and famous Halloween traditions.

Developed as a teaching tool for language learning, Halloween on Screen will take you on a journey aboard a ghost train from the central 'Bonfire Station', through the history of Samhain, with plenty of spooky stops along the way! Throughout your journey, you will learn about some fun Halloween traditions such as bobbing for apples or pumpkin carving!

This is entertainment for all the family, so gather everyone around and get ready to get involved and have some fun. To take full part in the apple bobbing, all you will need is a bucket of water and a few apples, and for the famous pumpkin carving, you will need a pumpkin, a marker, a spoon, a tea light, a sharp serrated knife and of course an adult who can supervise the fun and help out too!

If you think you're ready to take a trip the ghost train and learn all about the Irish origins of Halloween, all you have to do is to click on the link below and enter the following details to get access for free! 


Username: Halloween

Password: dnDAzh)Vv1FHhz


We would love to see how you all get on with the challenges and the fun of Halloween on Screen! Feel free to tag us on Twitter @IrlEmbMadrid with any images or videos of you enjoying the experience, or of course your finished jack-o'-lanterns!