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Explanation of Vote on UNSMIL Mandate Renewal


Thank you, Madam President. Firstly, I wish to express our appreciation for the tireless efforts of the UK as penholder. Ireland voted in favour of this resolution today.


However, we regret that at this critical juncture in Libya’s transition, the Council has once again failed to find consensus on a substantive resolution that would equip UNSMIL to achieve optimum impact, including through the implementation of the recommendations of the Strategic Review.


The role of UNSMIL on the ground in Libya is more important than ever, given the fragility of the political situation and the need for progress on the security and economic tracks. Most importantly, an effective UNSMIL is vital to support the Libyan people and their legitimate expectations of a democratic and peaceful future.


The sustained support and leadership from the UN and from this Council is essential to instill confidence in the Libyan political process and to help Libyan stakeholders forge agreement on the way forward and on the holding of elections as soon as possible.


Ireland reiterates its full support for the work of the Mission, the Mission leadership and Special Advisor Williams. We look forward to the appointment of a Special Envoy, and we hope that the next discussions towards the renewal of the Mission’s mandate will prove more fruitful.


Thank you, Madam President.


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