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Statement by Ambassador Byrne Nason at the UNSC Briefing on the Situation in Haiti

Merci, Monsieur le Président.

Je voudrais également remercier la Représentante Spéciale du Secrétaire-Générale, Madame La Lime pour son intervention. Je remercie le BINUH et l’Equipe de Pays des Nations Unies en Haïti pour leurs efforts continus.

Madame Douyon, je vous remercie pour avoir partagé clairement vos opinions ce matin. A l’heure actuelle, il est tellement important d’entendre et d’écouter les perspectives de la société civile Haïtienne.

Je voudrais également reconnaitre la présence aujourd’hui de Son Excellence Monsieur Claude Joseph, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères.

Monsieur le Président,

Je voudrais me concentrer ce matin sur trois points qui sont particulièrement préoccupants pour mon pays, l’Irlande, en ce moment crucial.

Premièrement, comme tout le monde le sait, la pandémie ainsi que les catastrophes naturelles récents, ont augmenté les besoins humanitaires en Haïti, qui ont été déjà considérables. L’Irlande se félicite de la réponse Haïtienne efficace suite au tremblement de terre d’Aout et les orages subséquents. Ces actions opportunes, soutenues par les Nations Unies et par les ONG, ont répondu aux besoins de plus de six cents cinquante mille (650,000) personnes.

Cependant, les besoins restent très urgents et une réponse forte de la communauté internationale à cette crise humanitaire reste indispensable. L’Irlande a déjà contribué avec du financement par nos partenaires humanitaires. Nous continuerons à jouer notre rôle afin de soutenir le peuple Haïtien.

Mr. President,

The humanitarian and developmental challenges which predated the pandemic and earthquake remain and sadly grow. Acute food insecurity, displacement caused by gang violence, the highest rate of maternal mortality in the Western hemisphere, and high rates of sexual and gender-based violence.

The basis for solutions to these and many more worrying issues exist in Haiti. However, without structural change and institutional investment, these profound crises in Haiti will persist.

Mr. President,

This brings me to my second point. Solving Haiti’s challenges requires significant progress towards a negotiated political solution.

The people of Haiti deserve stable, predictable and functioning democratic institutions. However, with the most recent postponement of the electoral calendar, this basic platform on which to build future stability and security is pushed away.

We welcome all efforts towards the achievement of an inclusive and consensual political agreement in Haiti. But for this to be successful, the widest possible base of engagement is required. That can only be achieved with the full, equal and meaningful participation of women, and active involvement of youth.

Mr. President,

Any future electoral framework must preserve, at a minimum, the commitment for 30% representation of women in the Haitian parliament, as highlighted last week at the first Haiti focused IEG on Women Peace and Security. Ireland was pleased to co-chair, with Mexico, that important discussion on women’s political participation in Haiti. There is much work to be done.

We encourage the Haitian government and all political and civil society actors to guarantee the critical contributions of women - as activists, as candidates and as citizens with full and equal rights.


Throughout this process, the safety and security of all engaged with the political and electoral system remains vital.

Mr. President,

My third point is on the deteriorating security situation.

Gang violence and kidnappings are a daily occurrence in Haiti, with entire communities pushed to the point of despair - and to quote Madame La Lime this morning, “to the brink”. Impunity for human rights violations and sexual and gender-based violence issues are serious concern.

Change, development and progress in Haiti will be impossible without guarantees of the basic safety and security of its people. We welcome efforts, including by the Peacebuilding Fund, on community violence reduction, on disarmament and on electoral violence prevention.

However, the most significant change will come from adequate resourcing, financial and technical, of the Haitian National Police. Urgent prioritisation of police resourcing will build capacity, help to build confidence and security for the Haitian people. The steadfast support of the international community will be crucial in facilitating this work.

Mr. President,

Ireland continues to believe that the solutions to the complex crises in Haiti needs the engagement and support of its own people. The responsibility of the international community is to stand with Haiti and facilitate efforts towards an inclusive national consensus. This offers a clear path to addressing the needs and addressing the rights of the Haitian people.

Thank you Mr. President.


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