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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Spain website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at

Honorary Consulate Barcelona

The Honorary Consulate in Barcelona covers: Barcelona, Gerona, Tarragona & Andorra.


Ms. Susana Ferrer
Honorary Consul of Ireland
Avda. Diagonal 640,
8º D Planta
08017 Barcelona

Tel: +34 932 553 383




Consulate Opening hours: 10am-1pm (Monday - Friday).

Closure dates of the Embassy and Honorary Consulates

If you require emergency assistance outside of these hours, please phone the Embassy on: +34 914364093. You may be asked to leave a message on the emergency answering service. The answering machine is monitored regularly, and the Duty Officer at the Embassy will contact you as soon as possible.

English speaking contacts in Catalunya and Andorra:

Safety Tips for Safe Holidays issued by the Mossos d'Esquadra (police)